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Be-Miner Server 1.8.1

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Комманды плагина Essentials! Это все комманды и пока на английском!

Cheat bigtree
Spawns a big tree. /<command> <tree|redwood>
Cheat give
Give another player an item /<command> <player> <item|item:damage value> [amount]
Cheat god godmode, tgm Toggles god mode. /<command> [player]
Cheat heal
Heal a player. /<command> [player]
Cheat item i Gives yourself a specified item. /<command> <item|item:damage value> [amount]
Cheat kit
Spawn a predefined kit. /<command> [kit name]
Cheat ptime
Change a players time. /<command> [list|reset|day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] <player|*>
Cheat repair fix Repairs the durability of all or one item. /<command> [hand|all]
Cheat time
Change or display the server time. /<command> [day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all]
Cheat tree
Spawns a tree. /<command> <tree|birch|redwood>
Cheat unlimited ul Allows the unlimited placing of items. /<command> <list|item> [player]
Economy balance bal, emoney Gives the current balance of a player. /<command> [player name]
Economy balancetop baltop Displays the top account balances. /<command> [result count]
Economy eco economy Modify a players balance by the given amount. /<command> <give|take|reset> <player name> <amount>
Economy pay
Pays a specified player from your balance. /<command> <player> <amount>
Economy sell
Sells an item with amount specified. /<command> <itemname|id|hand|inventory|blocks> [amount]
Economy setworth
Sets the worth of an item. /<command> <itemname|id> <price>
Economy worth
Displays how much an item is worth /<command> [item [amount]]
General afk
Sets your status as AFK. /<command>
General compass
Displays your current bearing in the world. /<command>
General depth
Displays your current block depth in relation to sea-level. /<command>
General getpos coords Displays your current coordinate location in the world. /<command>
General help
This displays the help commands for essentials. /<command> [searchterm] [2;3;4;5; etc..]
General helpop
Requests help from online staff. /<command> <message>
General ignore
Ignore a player /<command> <player>
General info news This allows you to see information about the server. /<command> <page number/chapter>
General list who, playerlist, online Lists the players online and how many slots are left. /<command>
General mail
Allows you to send & receive mail. /<command> <read|clear|send [player] [message]>
General me
Allows you to emote. /<command> <emote message>
General motd
Displays the motd (Message of the Day). /<command>
General msg tell, m, t This allows you to private message another player. /<command> <player> <message>
General nick
Change your display name. /<command> <player> <nick|off>
General powertool pt Assigns a command to the item in hand. /<command> <command> <arguments>
/<command> c: <chat message>
General powertooltoggle ptt Enables or disables all current powertools /<command>
General r reply Quickly reply to the last player to message you. /<command> <message>
General realname
Allows you to see a player's real username /<command> <player>
General rules
Displays the rules. /<command> <page number>
General seen
Check when a player was last online. /<command> <player>
General spawner
Change the mob type of a spawner /<command> <Mob>
General suicide
Commit suicide. /<command>
General whois
Displays player information. /<command> <nickname|playername>
Moderator antioch
Holy hand grenade. /<command>
Moderator backup
Runs the backup command /<command>
Moderator ban
Bans a specified player. /<command> <player name> <reason>
Moderator banip
Bans a players IP. /<command> <player name|IP address>
Moderator broadcast bcast Broadcast to all players. /<command> <message>
Moderator burn
Sets a player on fire. /<command> <player name> <seconds>
Moderator clearinventory ci Clear a players inventory. /<command> [player]
Moderator deljail
Deletes a jail. /<command> <jail name>
Moderator essentials
Reload Essentials. /<command>
Moderator ext
Extinguish a player. /<command> <player name>
Moderator fireball
Like a GHAST /<command>
Moderator gc mem, memory Displays server usage information. /<command>
Moderator invsee
See the inventory of other players. /<command> [player name]
Moderator jails
List all jails. /<command>
Moderator kick
Kicks a player off the server. /<command> <player name> [reason]
Moderator kickall
Kicks all players off the server. /<command> [reason]
Moderator kill
Kills a player. /<command> <player name>
Moderator lightning strike Lets you strike lighting. /<command> <player>
Moderator mute
Mutes or un-mutes a specified player. /<command> <player name> [time]
Moderator nuke
Think carpet bomb. /<command> [Player]
Moderator ping pong Pong!. /<command>
Moderator reloadall rel Reloads all of your plugins. /<command>
Moderator setjail
Create a new jail location. /<command> <jail name>
Moderator socialspy
See other players private messages /<command>
Moderator spawnmob
Allows you to spawn a specified mob with an optional mount. /<command> <mob> [amount]
/<command> <mob>:<data> [amount]
/<command> <mob>,<mob> [amount]
Moderator tempban
Temporary bans a specified player. /<command> <player name> <time>
Moderator thunder
Toggle/trigger thunder. /<command> <true|false> [duration]
Moderator togglejail tjail Sends/Removes a player to a jail. /<command> <player> <jail name> [time]
/<command> <player> [time]
Moderator unban pardon Unbans a player. /<command> <player name>
Moderator unbanip pardonip Unbans a players IP address. /<command> <player name|IP address>
Moderator weather sky, sun, storm Manipulates the weather. /<command> <storm|sun> <duration>
Spawn setspawn
Sets the spawn location. /<command> [group]
Spawn spawn
Teleports you to spawn. /<command>
Teleport back
Returns you to your last position from a prior teleport. /<command>
Teleport delhome remhome,rmhome Removes a home /<command> [player:]<name>
Teleport delwarp remwarp, rmwarp Removes a warp location by warp name. /<command> <warp name>
Teleport home
Teleports you home. /<command> [player:][name]
Teleport jump j Teleports you to the spot you select. /<command>
Teleport sethome
Sets your home location. /<command> [[player:]name]
Teleport setwarp createwarp Defines a new warp location. /<command> <warp name>
Teleport top
Teleports you to the highest block at your current location. /<command>
Teleport tp tele Teleport directly to a player. /<command> <player to teleport TO>
Teleport tpa
Asks the player if you can teleport to them. /<command> <player to teleport TO>
Teleport tpaall
Requests all players online to teleport to you. /<command> [player]
Teleport tpaccept tpyes Accept a /tpa request. /<command>
Teleport tpahere
Asks the specified player to accept transport to your location. /<command> <player to teleport to YOUR SELF>
Teleport tpall
Teleports all connected players. /<command> [player]
Teleport tpdeny tpno Deny a /tpa request. /<command>
Teleport tphere s Teleport player directly to you. /<command> <player to teleport to YOUR SELF>
Teleport tpo
Overrides players preferences and teleports you to the player. /<command> <player to teleport TO>
Teleport tpohere
Overrides players preferences and teleports player to you. /<command> <player to teleport to YOUR SELF>
Teleport tppos
Teleports you directly to a location. /<command> <x> <y> <z>
Teleport tptoggle
Toggles players ability to teleport to you. /<command>
Teleport warp warps Warps you to a pre-set location. /<command> [warp name [player]]
Teleport world
Allows you to teleport to different world. /<command> <nether|normal|0;1;2;3; etc..>
Various None
No Command Assigned No Command Assigned
XMPP setxmpp
Set your XMPP address. /<command> <address>
XMPP xmpp
Send a message to a player's XMPP. /<command> <player> <message>
XMPP xmppspy
Toggle XMPP spy for all messages. /<command> <player>

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